রানী ইন্দিরা দেবী গভর্নমেন্ট গার্লস কলেজ

স্থাপিত: ২০১৪
[ পূর্বতন: ঝাড়গ্রাম রাজ কলেজ ( গার্লস উইং ) ]
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার | বিদ্যাসাগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অধিভুক্ত
ডাকঘর + থানাঃ ঝাড়গ্রাম, জেলা: ঝাড়গ্রাম, পিন: ৭২১৫০৭

Rani Indira Debi Government Girls’ College

ESTD: 2014
[ Erstwhile Jhargram Raj College (Girls’ Wing) ]
Government of West Bengal | Affiliated to Vidyasagar University
P.O. + P.S.: Jhargram, District: Jhargram, PIN: 721507.

“There is no calamity that right words will not begin to redress”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Composition of Student Grievance Redressal Committee
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Grievances of any sort are an impediment to maintenance of a healthy, cordial atmosphere in any institution. Holding grudges can breed negativity and affect the impressionable young mind quite easily. Keeping this in mind, Rani Indira Debi Government Girls’ College is committed to creating a safe environment for its students that is conducive to effective learning. The college recognizes the importance of timely redressal of complaints in fostering a sense of security and trust.

A complaint or grievance can be understood roughly as a difference or dispute between a student and a Faculty or Staff member/s of College or related to matters such as: (i) Regularity of Classes (ii) Completion of syllabus (iii) Library Facilities (iv) Internal Examination (v) Scholarship (vi) Other facilities like: Canteen/Drinking Water/ Washroom /Gymnasium/Girls Hostel (vii) Response pattern of the Office Staff (viii) College Administration (ix) Ragging (x) Sexual Harassment. It can also encompass matters that is subject to be dealt on a case-to-case basis by administration.

The objectives of the committee are maintenance of cordial inter-personal relationships at all levels, ensuring that grievances are resolved promptly and objectively with sensitivity, impartiality and confidentiality, ensuring that the views of each complainant and respondent are respected and that any party to a grievance is neither discriminated against nor victimized and finally promote respect, dignity and non-vindictive attitude generation even after dispute resolution.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Complaint Submission and Redressal Workflow:

The complainant must download the Complaint(s)/Grievance(s) Form from the College website and has to fill up the form. Alternatively, they can also collect the physical copies of the form from the college office.

The complainant can either submit a scanned copy of the Complaint(s)/Grievance(s) Form to the E-mail ID studentgrievance.ridggc@gmail.com or submit the filled-up forms in the complaint box. They can alternatively write an application to the Principal/Officer-in-Charge specifying the complaint.

Based on the complaint(s)/grievance(s) submitted, the concerned redressal committee will convene a meeting within 72 hours with its members.

The concerned committee, then, would inform the complainant(s) regarding the schedule of the meeting to comprehend the nature of the complaint(s)/grievance(s) in detail.

The concerned redressal committee would then recommend the action(s) for the redressal of the complaint(s)/grievance(s).

The Members of the concerned committee will closely monitor the time bound progress of the recommended actions.

Finally, the members of the concerned redressal committee would maintain a documentation of proceedings observed and will interact with the complainant(s) regarding her/their feedback.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism