রানী ইন্দিরা দেবী গভর্নমেন্ট গার্লস কলেজ
স্থাপিত: ২০১৪ [ পূর্বতন: ঝাড়গ্রাম রাজ কলেজ ( গার্লস উইং ) ] পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার | বিদ্যাসাগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অধিভুক্ত ডাকঘর + থানাঃ ঝাড়গ্রাম, জেলা: ঝাড়গ্রাম, পিন: ৭২১৫০৭
Rani Indira Debi Government Girls’ College
ESTD: 2014 [ Erstwhile Jhargram Raj College (Girls’ Wing) ] Government of West Bengal | Affiliated to Vidyasagar University P.O. + P.S.: Jhargram, District: Jhargram, PIN: 721507.“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light”
Anti-Ragging Committee
Title | |
ARC 2017-18 | Download PDF |
ARC 2018-19 | Download PDF |
ARC 2019-20 | Download PDF |
ARC 2020-21 | Download PDF |
ARC 2021-22 | Download PDF |
ARC 2022-23 | Download PDF |
ARC 2023-24 | Download PDF |
Friendships are special and those forged in college life last a lifetime. A young mind enters a college campus with dreams and expectations. Hence a cordial atmosphere becomes the top requirement for ensuring a healthy future for the students. The practice of ragging is a major impediment in this regard. Ragging can be understood as a form of an abuse on the newcomers of educational institutions which involves actions of scolding, teasing, harsh criticizing, nagging, bullying i.e. any kind of mental and physical harassment, generally committed by the senior students.
In pursuance to the Hon’ble Supreme Court order on Ragging (2007), Judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 08/05/2009 in Civil Appeal No. 887/2009, the University Grants Commission has framed “UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009” which have been notified on 4th July, 2009 in the Gazette of India. These regulations are mandatory for all Universities/Institutions. The UGC has made it mandatory for all students/parents to submit anti-ragging related affidavits to the institutions at the time of admission. In connection to the regulation of UGC, Government of West Bengal has taken some strict steps to stop the ragging in different educational institutes in the state for the last few years. In a recent notification Memo No.FD-763/2018 dated 19.07.2018 Education Directorate has instructed The Principals/Vice Principals/OICs/TICs of both Government and Government-Aided colleges to take measures against Ragging.
Rani Indira Debi Government Girls’ College has an Anti-ragging Cell for the session 2023-2024 headed by Prof. Priyanka Sen. This has been constituted as per the existing UGC norms. In the previous academic years., an Anti -Ragging Subcommittee was constituted in each academic session. At the beginning of every academic year both the freshers and the senior students of the College are made aware of the ragging related rules and regulations. The college organizes anti-ragging awareness in collaboration with NSS Unit of this college every year in the college campus. The students are required to submit self-declarations committing themselves to refrain from ragging. The parents are also required to submit declarations committing themselves to the same spirit. All the initiatives by the college till date have borne results, as no incidents of ragging have been reported till date.
Internal assessment for AEC01
13-03-2025 Student -
Placement cell notice
13-03-2025 Student -
The College will remain closed on 14.03.2025 and 15.03.2025
13-03-2025 General -
Notice for MDC-1 (Indian Constitution) Internal Assessment.
12-03-2025 Student -
MDC class suspension notice
01-03-2025 Student -
Class Suspension Notice
25-02-2025 Student -
Holiday notice
25-02-2025 General -
MDC Notice
20-02-2025 Student -
Interactive workshop on Mental & Physical Wellness Through Yoga
12-02-2025 Student -
MDC classes for Sem 1 students
11-02-2025 Student