রানী ইন্দিরা দেবী গভর্নমেন্ট গার্লস কলেজ
স্থাপিত: ২০১৪ [ পূর্বতন: ঝাড়গ্রাম রাজ কলেজ ( গার্লস উইং ) ] পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার | বিদ্যাসাগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অধিভুক্ত ডাকঘর + থানাঃ ঝাড়গ্রাম, জেলা: ঝাড়গ্রাম, পিন: ৭২১৫০৭
Rani Indira Debi Government Girls’ College
ESTD: 2014 [ Erstwhile Jhargram Raj College (Girls’ Wing) ] Government of West Bengal | Affiliated to Vidyasagar University P.O. + P.S.: Jhargram, District: Jhargram, PIN: 721507.DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH
“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”
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As Jim Rohn has rightly pointed out, the more we read, the more we learn and especially when it comes to literature, nothing that we read goes in vain. It opens our minds to new possibilities and helps us in learning about the world through others’ lives and stories.
One of the first departments to be established with the founding of the college in 2014, the Department of English attracts the brightest students of the district and beyond. Although the class lectures pertain to the undergraduate CBCS syllabus of Vidyasagar University, our aim is to encourage them to think out of the box and compare the prescribed texts to those that they have read outside the syllabus. The students are also encouraged to draw comparisons with relevant elements in popular culture like music, advertisements and feature films that they have seen. Indeed, these form an important component of the lectures delivered by the teachers in the department. With the online mode of teaching in the current scenario, the lectures are delivered using Google Meet while e-books and study material are regularly uploaded on Google Classroom and WhatsApp among others. Despite the network issues that students living in remote areas face, their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, even in the midst of a pandemic, motivates us to strive further in our duties.
Vision & Mission
We, at the Department of English, aim to inculcate the following in our students:
- To cultivate a basic understanding of English language and literature
- To develop reading, comprehension and writing skills
- To provide an understanding of a variety of cultures through vicarious experiences
- To help students develop social and psychological awareness, clarity of vision, balance and empathy
- To empower the students to make valuable contributions to their respective communities and the broader society by re-framing their thought-process
As Neil Gaiman has rightly pointed out, “Fiction gives us empathy: it puts us inside the minds of other people, gives us the gifts of seeing the world through their eyes. Fiction is a lie that tells us true things, over and over.”
The Teaching Process
- The department prepares the academic calendar at the beginning of the session, in keeping with the broad principles of the college’s noble mission.
- A comprehensive lesson plan and evaluation chart is prepared in keeping with the academic schedule of the University following which required steps are taken to implement the plan.
Innovative Teaching and Evaluation Methods Used
- Classroom lectures
- PowerPoint presentations
- Google Classroom
- Audio and video lectures
- Enactment of drama/ scenes in class
- Film Screenings
- Group Discussions
- Viva
- Chart Making and Classroom presentations
- Wall Magazine
- Student seminars
- Special Lectures
- National and International webinars
Faculty Member Speaks:
“As a city-bred individual who never lived anywhere outside Kolkata, I was initially a little apprehensive of coming all the way to Jhargram when I realised I had been posted at this college. However, the moment I landed here, I fell in love with the lush greenery and inviting natural landscape. With time, I realized that it was not just the scenic beauty that made Jhargram so special, it was because of the people and their love and warmth that they shower on everyone. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to teach at a college where I continuously receive a lot of love and respect from my colleagues and students alike.”
From The Students:
“I failed in my higher secondary exam. In the second attempt when I finally crossed the boundary of school, my confidence level was pretty low. I chose the subject that had been my escape for many years - Literature (especially English) for my higher studies. Not having the best experience in friendships, I decided to keep a low profile in college. Going to college, studying and coming back home - that was the plan which I followed for quite some time. I did not expect much from campus life either but things started to change 2-3 months into the college.
A.M. ma'am and M.B. ma'am were slowly breaking every stereotypical belief I had about college professors. From basic ettiquete to complex theories on literature, they have been teaching us all. A.M. ma'am, who seems strict at the first glance but is sweet in the inside and M.B. ma'am, an angel-like being, showed me the real meaning of being a teacher. Being a teacher is much more than giving lessons on the given syllabus, it about helping students to be a better being. They have been nothing but caring, loving and encouraging towards us. It is because of them that I am aspiring to become a teacher so that I can give back what I have received from them.
Simultaneously, the wall which I created around myself to not let anyone in, was crumbling. One by one, I got four amazing people whom I can call 'friends'.
The subject which was just an escape, primarily, has gradually become a window to different perspectives, thanks to the professors.
Throughout the two years I have grown emotionally and spiritually, learning new things from the professors and my classmates. A dream-like campus life - What more is there to wish for...? Actually there is. Wishing this blissful campus life to continue forever which sadly is not possible. But as I leave, I'll be taking a lot of memories and the imbibed wisdom with me as my treasure.”
“I must say that the refreshing realm of knowledge here in my college is really awe-inspiring. I am a student of English Literature and this subject is appropriate for my sensitive nature. In my opinion, one who loves to be initiated into the world of stories, poems and novels should take up this course. Each and every lecture here has set my imagination ablaze. In my college, with my respected teachers, it is a literary paradise where I learnt to critically analyse everything.”
“It’s really tough to explain my experience in RIDGGC in just a few lines. First of all I would like to say that RIDGGC was not just a college for me. It was a turning point in my life. I completed my Graduation with Honours in English Literature in 2019 from this college.
As far as my story goes, taking up English Literature as a subject in Graduation was never in the plan. I was preparing for the Medical entrance examination after my Higher Secondary and just for a certain security I applied for admission to various courses like Physics, Zoology, Botany, English etc in various colleges. I also got the chances to be admitted in those subjects but in a very casual sense I took admission in English literature in RIDGGC. Unfortunately I was not able to crack the medical entrance examination and as a matter of fact I decided to continue my studies in literature from 2016 batch itself, because there was no other option for me. New stream…new dream…! However, since the very beginning a question was always troubling my mind - “How can I survive in such a different stream?” However, as and when I started to pay attention to the subject, I was totally amazed. My professors made the topics easily understandable and their friendly behaviour helped me a lot to understand the subject and move forward with the subject. That is how it became a turning point for me. They motivated me not only in my subject, but also helped me to develop various skills and empowered me to be able to walk on the path of my dream. Presently, I am in the last semester of my Masters, and I am still in touch with the professors and Principal Sir. I am really fortunate enough to be a member of RIDGGC family.
“Studying any kind of literature in depth brings more depth to us, at a personal level. It widens our world, teaches us history, shows us how the world works, it makes us think, it makes us question a lot of things. Speaking specifically of English literature, the language and its appeal is quite wide and hence the works are also more varied.”
Distinguished Faculty Of The Department
Internal assessment for AEC01
13-03-2025 Student -
Placement cell notice
13-03-2025 Student -
The College will remain closed on 14.03.2025 and 15.03.2025
13-03-2025 General -
Notice for MDC-1 (Indian Constitution) Internal Assessment.
12-03-2025 Student -
MDC class suspension notice
01-03-2025 Student -
Class Suspension Notice
25-02-2025 Student -
Holiday notice
25-02-2025 General -
MDC Notice
20-02-2025 Student -
Interactive workshop on Mental & Physical Wellness Through Yoga
12-02-2025 Student -
MDC classes for Sem 1 students
11-02-2025 Student